Personal Upate

I wanted to take the opportunity with this mini blog to give you all an update as to where I am at the moment.

I am not sure if you are aware but the blogs I have written and posted are all written months previous. I wrote them at the time of the event or feeling. When I finally decided that I would post them I wanted to allow myself time to build up the blogs so I had plenty of content to fall back on, allowing me to write what and when I felt rather than forcing it. I only like to write what I feel, I can’t really do so on demand. Every person is different when it comes to writing and this is just what works for me.

This blog is actually not like any of my previous blogs as I am writing it days before it is due to go up, the reason for this is I feel like I need to give you all an update as to where I am currently with my writing journey.

The last blog that I posted was “The pressures of life” normally when I am in a bad place, I sit down and I write and  I manage to talk myself into a resolve, which ultimately  is why I do it,  also I feel that’s why my blogs always end with a relatively positive outcome. This particular one I realise did not, and actually that’s because what happened in the days after writing it were some of the lowest moments I have had thus far. Normally I would write about it in the moment, but in this instance I did not and what I have actually been trying to do is write the follow up to that blog.  

I have been finding it very difficult because rather than saying and expressing the feeling and emotion I have in the here and now, I am looking back and remembering.  I am finding it so hard because it is potentially my most raw, revealing, personal, traumatic and intrusive blog I have written. I am able to write it but it’s making sure that the content is not too much. I have made it clear that I am by no means a professional writer, I rely on the spell and grammar checker on my laptop to tell me if something is incorrect and I am not too sure on the rules of blog writing and what is okay and what is not, I am still really very new to this. 

I am by no means claiming to be an expert on mental health just someone that wants to share her experiences living with anxiety and depression and the journey it has taken me on. If I can help one person with my blogs then I will be happy, I just want people to know that they are not alone and there is always a way back.

The blog will get posted and there will be “The pressures of life revisited” it will be completely raw and honest, like all my blog’s previous, it’s just going to take a little time because this isn’t something that I have shared even with some of my closest friends or family so it’s a tough one, but it will be coming soon, I just need a little more time, so please bare with me.

I want to also take a minute to thank you all for following me on my journey this far and let you know that I am truly great full for your support.



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