About Me

My name is Natalie, I am a 30 something year old wife and mum of two children and one cheeky dachshund called Winston. I am a Mental Health Advocate, Blogger aspiring to change the world of mental health forever.

Hey There, I'm Natalie

It was May of 2019 that I decided to set up my website A Work in Progress, to create a blog based primarily on the subject of Mental Health.  I chose to call myself and my website A work in Progress because after so many years of trying to seek perfection, living with extreme Anxiety and Depression has really helped me to realise that the something I was looking for simply didn’t exist. 

No one is perfect nor will they ever be, we continuously evolve and grow through the different experiences we have and the hurdles we encounter, thus making us perfect versions of exactly who we are at that time in our lives.

Favourite Memory

Giving birth to my children

Favourite Place


Favorite Colour


Favorite word


The intention with my blog is to educate, inspire and support as many people as possible dealing with mental health illnesses, whilst also drawing awareness to a subject that still does not get enough attention.

Over the last few year’s I myself have struggled with Mental Health illnesses, specifically Anxiety and Depression.  I first began writing as a way of helping it allowed me to express how I felt in detail and in turn allowed me to process my thoughts, rationalise them and figure out how best to manage and deal with them.

I hope that with my lived experience and my very loud voice to spread a little more kindness into a world that doesn’t always feel very kind.

I believe it is so important to recognise the colossal impact kind words can have and remove the perception that we should aspire to be like someone else rather than accept and be happy with who we are because, remember being you is your super power!

I want to share my experiences, to show that although tough and a journey that takes time, it is possible to reach the lowest point in your life and come out the other side.