It’s all around us. Our peers, our school, our parents and social media! Pressure to be perfect and to know what you want to do, pressure to be cool and not the real you.
Everyone almost everyone around you is not true to themselves, not who they were born to be, scared to come out their shells. It’s cool to vape and misbehave not to be kind or even to be brave. We’re expected to know what we’re meant to do, get perfect grades no matter what we’re going through. To have perfect bodies, skinny yet curved, to look how people want us, it’s not what we deserve. All this pressure put on to us, I will bend, I will break all that’s left is dust. I want to have people that care I don’t mind being confused or having messy hair. I want to be happy is that so hard an ask, maybe years later this will all be in the past!
This is a poem that was written by my 14 year old Daughter, the picture accompanying this poem was also created by my Daughter 💚❤️