My future goals, look back and review

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Like many i ended 2019 with the excitement of looking forward to a new year and a clean slate, sitting down to reflect I thought about all the things that I had taken from that year and the many thing’s I had achieved, however big or small they may have seemed.

For whatever reason I felt a strong feeling that 2020 was set to be a great year, going into it with a sense of ambition and greater strength than I felt I had going into 2019.

I began the year like I do most years,  setting out a list of my future goals, these goals were featured in one of my first blogs of 2020, “The end of a year, the start of a new me” which is linked below if you want to check it out.

I feel like the goals I made were realistic and definitely attainable, it’s important to ensure that this is the case when setting goals so that you are not ending every year feeling deflated and like you are never achieving anything!

Here is a quick look back at the goals I set;

Goals Going into 2020

  1. Take my Theory test and pass my driving test
  2. Travel more and travel further
  3. Get on a plane
  4. To start reading books again
  5. Become a motivational speaker and start my own YouTube channel

All these goals are thing’s I had hoped to achieve eventually with no real time frame in place, the only target I had set myself was to simply start in 2020 to take reasonable steps at making at least 2 of the goals happen.

I had every intention of doing exactly that, in fact id set the bar a little lower in the hope I could excel all expectations…. This was unfortunately not going to be the case!

Find a New perspective, set some new goals.

Photo by Nine Köpfer on Unsplash                   
   Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

After realising that like many of us, the goals we had set out to achieve were no longer attainable, it started to affect my state of mind and my want to be productive and proactive.  I took the view of “What’s the point”, no longer feeling that same sense of ambition or greater strength that I had at the beginning of the year.

I spent a while believing that this year would just be a year waisted!

It was at that point I decided the only reason the year would get waisted would be if I allowed that to happen. Ok so most of the goals I set weren’t going to be achieved but who says goals can’t be changed or adapted to suit the circumstances you find yourself in?

So that’s exactly what I did!

I was no longer going to sit back and watch the year fall away with nothing to show for it, I was going to sit down and create new goals that would be compatible with Quarantine life. The goals I had set previous were primarily based on things that I had been unable to achieve due to my Anxiety; they were thing’s that I was beginning to feel I was ready to start pushing myself to do. The new goals would still need to be somewhat of a challenge but much less about combatting some of my biggest fears due to my mental health.

The new and amended goals for what’s left of 2020

  1. To be more consistent with my blogs
  2. To create more content, that talk’s also about the things I love… or so I keep saying “the person behind the illness”
  3. To practise better time management
  4. Read more, in any form, be it a book, blog, newspaper article or magazine
  5. I may not be able to travel or get on a plane, but continue to go out in the car and go on walks and refrain from locking myself away in my “safe place”

The goals are definitely different and certainly more focused around work than they are Moving forward with my Anxiety, but I am happy with that. My Anxiety and working on improving it takes up so much of my time and energy it’s actually really nice to focus on something I love and enjoy, something that I feel a little more in control of and more able to succeed in.I’m in no way saying that I am not looking after my mental health or putting anytime in to improve my anxiety because that’s not the case, goal #5 is actually one of the first things I began doing as soon as lockdown was eased enough to allow me to do so, but I am excited to be able focus more of my time on writing and being creative as opposed to being anxious 24/7.

I may not be ticking off the goals on my original list, but I will definitely be coming out of 2020 feeling like I have achieved thing’s I never thought I would get the time to do.

Share a smile, not a judgement


Lead with kindness


Q. Did you set any goals at the start of 2020 and if so, have they been affected by Covid 19?

Q. Have you made new goals to suit the time we live in or are you happy to take the pressure off for one year and try again next year?

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